Podatki so tu in vedno več jih je: sledenje omogočajo v zadnjih letih vedno bolj tudi čitalci registrskih tablic (plate number recognition systems oz. licence-plate readers), ki so lahko mobilni ali stacionarni, nameščeni na prometno infrastrukturo. 

V San Diegu naj bi obstajali od 2010 dalje, ko jih je začela policija "tiho" uporabljati za nadzor in snemanje gibanja voznikov. 

San Diego City Beat časopis navaja:


Even as you read this, police cars equipped with LPR are patrolling the streets, automatically scanning and photographing every license plate in sight, tagging each with a GPS coordinate and filing the information away. For years.

With 36 million scans and counting””an average of 14 for every registered vehicle in the county””the database provides a mappable, searchable record of the movements of thousands of individual drivers. It”™s sort of like FourSquare for cops, except that it”™s involuntary, the data is secret and there aren”™t quite as many narcissistic hipsters.


Več v rubriki:

– Raziskovalni projekti: Tehnično okrepljeno nadzorovanje in boj zoper kriminaliteto

– Raziskovalci: Aleš Završnik