Vohunski program Prizma (NSA) ne bi bil mogoč, če ne bi Evropa tiho sodelovala. Varstvo osebnih podatkov v Evropi je bilo ukrojeno na način, ki je Prizmo delal mogočno.

Tako lahko povzamemo Spieglovo poročanje o srboritosti gospe komisarke Reding: "(she) was perhaps protesting a bit too much".

"According to the Financial Times report, which cites EU documents and unnamed EU officials, the measure was specifically designed to ward off US efforts to eavesdrop on international phone calls and emails. It was even called the "anti-FISA clause," a reference to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Washington, however, launched a significant lobbying effort to get the Commission to remove the clause — which it then did, partly in order to smooth the way ahead of talks on the trans-Atlantic free trade agreement."

Več v Spiegel.

Več v rubriki:

– Raziskovalni projekti: Tehnično okrepljeno nadzorovanje in boj zoper kriminaliteto

– Raziskovalci: Aleš Završnik