V okviru angleške raziskave financirane s strani ESRC (VB) “Securing against Future Events” bo potekala delavnica “Razmišljati z algoritmi” (Thinking with Algoritms), Gala Theatre, Durham, 26-27 February 2015.
Udeležba je brezplačna. Govornikom krijejo potne stroške.
Rok za prijavo: 20.12.2014.
Več o dogodku:
Amid the proliferation of unstructured digital
data and the algorithms that make sense of that data, conventions of knowledge,
meaning and sense-making appear to be significantly transforming. In a digital
world, where online data streams can be mined with text analytics to discover
incipient sentiment and human affects, algorithms exhibit a curious capacity
for action beyond the threshold of human perceptibility. The apparently
non-conscious human propensities that are considered not fully knowable to us
become amenable to the differently non-conscious impulses of cognitive digital
devices. With advances in machine learning, neural computation and experimental
knowledge discovery – identifying clusters or patterns that were not previously
perceptible – the actions of algorithms on humans, objects, and other
algorithms pose new questions for philosophy, ethics and politics.
data and the algorithms that make sense of that data, conventions of knowledge,
meaning and sense-making appear to be significantly transforming. In a digital
world, where online data streams can be mined with text analytics to discover
incipient sentiment and human affects, algorithms exhibit a curious capacity
for action beyond the threshold of human perceptibility. The apparently
non-conscious human propensities that are considered not fully knowable to us
become amenable to the differently non-conscious impulses of cognitive digital
devices. With advances in machine learning, neural computation and experimental
knowledge discovery – identifying clusters or patterns that were not previously
perceptible – the actions of algorithms on humans, objects, and other
algorithms pose new questions for philosophy, ethics and politics.
The workshop organisers seek contributions
that engage with, or respond to, the work of Katherine Hayles for the many
questions it provokes and addresses for our times. Do algorithms compute beyond
the threshold of human perceptibility and consciousness? Can ‘thinking’ and
‘learning’ digital devices reflect or engage durational time? Do digital forms
of cognition radically transform workings of the human brain and what humans
can perceive or decide? How do algorithms act upon other algorithms, and can
they learn recursively from each other? What kind of sociality or associative
life emerges from the human-machinic cognitive relations that we see with
association rules and analytics?
that engage with, or respond to, the work of Katherine Hayles for the many
questions it provokes and addresses for our times. Do algorithms compute beyond
the threshold of human perceptibility and consciousness? Can ‘thinking’ and
‘learning’ digital devices reflect or engage durational time? Do digital forms
of cognition radically transform workings of the human brain and what humans
can perceive or decide? How do algorithms act upon other algorithms, and can
they learn recursively from each other? What kind of sociality or associative
life emerges from the human-machinic cognitive relations that we see with
association rules and analytics?
The event is funded within Prof. Louise
Amoore’s ESRC ‘Securing against Future
Events’ project (www.securitysfutures.org)
and is free to attend. Research postgraduates and early career researchers
whose abstracts are accepted will have their travel and accommodation costs reimbursed to a maximum of £200.
Please submit abstracts of up to 400
words to: volha.piotukh@durham.ac.uk
by 20 December 2014, using ‘Thinking
with Algorithms’ as your subject line.
Amoore’s ESRC ‘Securing against Future
Events’ project (www.securitysfutures.org)
and is free to attend. Research postgraduates and early career researchers
whose abstracts are accepted will have their travel and accommodation costs reimbursed to a maximum of £200.
Please submit abstracts of up to 400
words to: volha.piotukh@durham.ac.uk
by 20 December 2014, using ‘Thinking
with Algorithms’ as your subject line.