Serija predavanj “Negotiated Justice in Europe: Myths, Reality and New Perspectives” bo potekala 2., 9., 16., 18. in 19. decembra 2019 ob 15h v Knjižnici Inštituta za kriminologijo.

Predavanja bo izvajal dr. Jacopo Della Torre, podoktorski raziskovalec na Univerzi v Trstu, v diskusijah bosta sodelovala tudi prof. Primož Gorkič s Pravne fakultete in doc. Mojca M. Plesničar z Inštituta za kriminologijo.

K udeležbi vabimo študente in diplomante Pravne fakultete z ustreznim predznanjem iz kazenskega procesnega prava. Za udeležbo boste prejeli potrdilo.

Predavanja bodo potekala v angleškem jeziku.

Prosimo, da svojo udeležbo do 29. novembra 2019 sporočite na naslov, kjer lahko dobite tudi dodatne informacije o dogodku.




Negotiated criminal justice has been experiencing a global boom, which has not left the “old Europe” unaffected. An increasing number of continental states are codifying legal institutions where the criminal conflict is the subject of ‘negotiation’– that is, a debate between parties in order to reach an agreement on the criminal sanction or charge. Furthermore, many countries with Romano-Germanic legal systems have also seen an increase in informal negotiation mechanisms. This series of lessons aims to illustrate the pros and cons of such a development of bargained justice in Europe.


Monday 2nd December 2019

Contrary to popular belief, plea and confession agreements have a long tradition in the European continent. In the first lesson, an overview will be provided of the various trends, expansive and regressive, that negotiated justice has had on the European continent.


Monday 9th December 2019

After the Second World War, plea/confession bargaining gradually began to spread again officially also on the “old continent”. The second seminar will focus on the different causes that turned bargained justice into a massive phenomenon, pervasive almost throughout Europe.


Monday 16th December 2019

In its third part, the seminar will examine four specific European models of negotiated justice, i.e. the Italian, German, French and Spanish model. The aim of the lesson is to prove that the minimum safeguards provided for in these legal systems to protect defendants and victims in plea bargaining are very heterogeneous and are often violated in practice.


Wednesday 18th December 2019

In the fourth lesson, the workshop will take on a European perspective. First, it will analyse the ECHR case-law and the acts of the Council of Europe on negotiated justice. Then, it will illustrate how the first EU directives, adopted under Article 82 (2)(b), TFEU, have contributed to fairer plea agreements.


Thursday 19th December 2019

The final lesson will cast a glance at the future and consider whether it would be appropriate for European institutions to adopt minimum standards on negotiated criminal justice.