Our world runs on the application of big data, algorithms, and artificial intelligence (AI) in many areas of our lives; social networks suggest whom to befriend, algorithms trade our stocks, and even romance is no longer a statistics-free zone. Big data coupled with...
PSYCHOANALYTICAL SPRING 2018: THE PLAYS OF SENSES Anxiety and Ignorance in Neo-liberal Times Lecture by Renata Salecl The lecture will examine anxieties that are on the raise in today’s times, especially those that are related to people’s questioning...
In this mini-episode, I chat with Renata Salecl, a Slovenian philosopher, sociologist, and author of the excellent book The Tyranny of Choice — a slim volume that completely changed the way I think about decision-making. We talk about how our focus on individualism...
Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti vljudno vabi na nastopno predavanje svoje izredne članice prof. dr. Renate Salecl, ki bo v sredo, 18. aprila 2018, ob 11. uri. V predavanju z naslovom Strast do nevednosti v dobi velikega podatkovja bo prof. dr. Salecl...
Društva Koroška akademija znanosti in umetnosti vabi na predavanje ugledne in mednarodno uveljavljene prof. dr. Renate Salecl, z naslovom “Strast do nevednosti”. Predavanje bo potekalo v petek, 30. marca 2018, ob 18. uri, v prostorih Fakultete za tehnologijo...