Turning the lens: Researching sentencers

Empirical research on sentencing (ERoS) annual conference

series of online seminars, August & September 2020


On the account of the circumstances surrounding travel and gatherings, the third annual conference of the ERoS community of researchers will take place in a different format. Still hosted by the Institute of Criminology, we will forgo the lovely sights of Ljubljana and instead meet online. To accommodate people’s busy schedules and avoid “Zoom fatigue” we scheduled a series of online Zoom meetings lasting about 1,5 hours each over the months of August and September.

Hopefully, this will still allow us an opportunity to share experience, opinions, and knowledge on sentencing research and foster informal relationships among researchers interested in the topic, with the particular aim of bringing together researchers from various jurisdictions and sentencing systems.

We already have four such meetings set up, but have decided to extend the call shortly in order to give the possibility to respond to people who might be persuaded by the new format and in need of a professional online community.

We thus still welcome paper proposals on sentencing in a broader sense. This year’s focus will be the role of the authority making a sentencing decision, be it a single judge, a panel of judges, a magistrate court, a parole board, a social worker, the prosecution, or any other body making relevant sentencing decisions in your jurisdiction and your research. The various strands of discussion within this broader theme may include but are not limited to issues of disparities, prejudice and stereotyping, the decision-making process, the burden of the position, self-awareness and professional culture etc. The conveners will strive to compound a programme containing a mixture of different approaches to sentencing research, including quantitative, qualitative, or mixed empirical methods.

Papers are welcome from any jurisdiction, and from applicants of any level and any affiliation, including doctoral students, independent scholars, and researchers in government institutions or the voluntary and community sector.

To submit a paper, please send a paper title and an abstract (max. 250 words) to mojca.plesnicar@pf.uni-lj.si by 15 June 2020.


Registration and costs

There is no registration fee. To register, please email Mojca Plesničar at the address above.
