Jasmina Arnež
Jasmina is a Research Associate at the Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, and the Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford. Jasmina’s research focuses on youth culture, youth crime, the links between school exclusion and youth offending, and the effectiveness and fairness of responses to juvenile delinquency, focusing on understanding and preventing systemic discrimination against children. Jasmina is also interested in applying Bourdieu and critical sociology to criminology, comparative criminology, crime policy, and translating criminological theories into practice.
Jasmina graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana. She passed the State Bar Examination, after which she worked for several years as a judicial advisor at the District Court in Ljubljana (Criminal Division). After completing her M.Phil, D.Phil, and ESRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford, Jasmina first joined Keele University as a Lecturer in Criminology before commencing her research at the Institute of Criminology Ljubljana in 2022.
In 2022, Jasmina published a monograph titled Negotiating Class in Youth Justice: Professional Practice and Interactions with Routledge Criminology & Sociology. The book explores how class shapes interactions between professionals, parents, and young people in the youth justice system.
In 2023, Jasmina received the 2023 British Society of Criminology (BSC) Book Prize. You can find more information about the book here: https://www.routledge.com/Negotiating-Class-in-Youth-Justice-Professional-Practice-and-Interactions/Arnez/p/book/9780367721732
Fields of research
youth crime, crime and the family, youth justice, discrimination based on personal circumstances and protected characteristics (social class, gender, nationality and ethnicity, disabilities, etc.), Bourdieu and critical sociology, comparative criminology, crime policy, and alternative responses to youth offending
Poljanski nasip 2
1000 Ljubljana
– Slovenska ureditev in prakse pogojnega odpusta
– Improving the juvenile justice system and strengthening the education and training of penitentiary staff in Slovenia
– Negotiating youth deviance and parenting: Exploring the Effects of Social Class on Professional Interactions (ESRC, grant nb. ES/J500112/1)
– Risk and Needs: Examining assessment and planning frameworks in youth justice interventions (ESRC, grant nb. ES/V011766/1)
- Arnež, J. (2022) Negotiating Class in Youth Justice: Professional practice and interactions. London, New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978- 0- 367- 72173- 2, DOI: 10.4324/ 9781003157373.
- Arnež, J. (2021) Book Review – Youth Justice and Penality in Comparative Context by Barry Goldson, Chris Cunneen, Sophie Russell, David Brown, Eileen Baldry, Melanie Schwartz, and Damon Briggs. Punishment & Society: OnlineFirst.
- Arnež, J. in Condry, R. (2021) Criminological Perspectives on School Exclusion and Youth Offending. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 26(1), 87-100.
- Arnež, J. (2021) Book review – Mark Halsey in Melissa de Vel-Palumbo, Generations through Prison. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 21(5), 727-729.
- Arnež, J. (2019) Institutional Responses to Youth Deviance and Parenting: Exploring Professional Perceptions on the Role of Social Class at the Beginnings of Offending Pathways and Desistance from Crime. V: Albrecht, H.J., Walsh, M. in Weinhausen-Knezevic, E. (ur.) Desistance Processes among Young Offenders Following Judicial Interventions. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 125-140.
- Arnež, J. (2016) The Potential Use of Legitimate Force for the Preservation of Order: Defining the Inherent Role of Public Police through Policing Functions that Cannot Be Carried Out by Private Police. Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 76, 23-39.
- Arnež, J. (2016) Examining Risk as a Political Construct: The Impact of Changing Views of the Prevailing Threats to Public Safety on the Definition of Risk. V: Mesko, G. in Lobnikar, B. (ur.) Criminal Justice and Security in Central and Eastern Europe: Safety, Security and Social Control in Local Communities. Ljubljana: Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, 221-228.
- Arnež, J. (2010) Zasluge in zablode feministične kriminologije. Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo,61(1),
1-14. - Arnež, J. (2009) Tretmanska obravnava storilcev spolnih kaznivih dejanj. Pravna praksa, 28(14), II-VIII.
- Arnež, J. and Condry, R. The tentacles of school exclusion and youth justice: A contextual understanding of young people in conflict with the law [Malaga, Spain, 22/11/2022] Paper at the annual conference of the European Society of Criminology. https://eurocrim.secure-platform.com/spain2022/solicitations/8/sessiongallery/schedule
- Arnež, J. and Plesničar, M. The legal framework and practices of conditional release in Slovenia: Parole, parole boards, and institutional dynamics [Oxford, United Kingdom, 14/11/2022] Paper at the Howard League for Penal Reform conference ‘Crime, justice and the human condition: Beyond the cris(es) – reframing and reimagining justice’. https://howardleague.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Howard-League-conference-parallel-sessions-and-posters-1.pdf
- Arnež, J. Examining the Views of Practitioners on Risk Assessment in Youth Justice in England and Wales [Chicago, United States of America, 19/11/2021] Paper and chair at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology as part of the ‘Data, Risk Assessment and Juvenile Justice’ panel.https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/asc/asc21/
- Arnež, J. Negotiating youth offending and parenting difficulties in structurally unequal societies: Neutralising the effects of social class in youth justice interventions [London, United Kingdom (online), 07/07/2021] Paper at the annual conference of the British Society of Criminology as part of the ‘Rethinking youth offending: The transfer of ideas between national and institutional contexts’ panel. https://www.francoposa.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/BSC-Conference-2021_Open-University_final-programme_5th-July.pdf
- Arnež, J. Negotiating institutional responses to youth offending and parenting difficulties: Exploring the effects of social class in professional interactions [Chicago, United States of America (online), 27/05/2021] Paper at the annual meeting of the Law and Society Association. https://www.lawandsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Program-Book-2021.pdf
- Arnež J. Negotiating ‘trouble’ in professional interactions: the lived experiences of social class in institutional responses to youth deviance and parenting [Cardiff, United Kingdom, 13/09/2017 – 16/09/2017] Paper at the annual conference of the European Society of Criminology. https://www.esc-eurocrim.org/images/esc/files/Cardiff/FINAL- BOOKLET.PDF
- Arnež, J. Exploring the lived experience of social class through institutional responses to youth deviance and parenting styles [New Orleans, United States of America, 16/11/2016 – 19/11/2016] Paper at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology. https://asc41.com/wp-content/uploads/ASC_Annual_Meeting_2016_Program.pdf
- Arnež, J. Examining risk as a political construct: The impact of changing views of the prevailing threats to public safety on the definition of risk [Ljubljana, Slovenia, 26/09/2016 – 27/09/2016] Paper at the ‘Criminal justice and security in Central and Eastern Europe: Safety, security, and social control in local communities’ conference. https://www.fvv.um.si/conf2016/files/CJS-Book-of-abstracts-2016.pdf
- Arnež, J. Young people ‘at risk’ of offending and their parents: Institutional discourses on the intersections between youth deviance, parenting and social class [Oxford, United Kingdom, 15/03/2016] Paper at the ‘Crime and mental health: vulnerability and resilience in the face of trauma’ conference, Green Templeton College.
- Arnež, J. Institutional responses to youth deviance and parenting styles: exploring the lived experience of social class in criminological theory and practice [Porto, Portugal, 02/09/2015 – 05/09/2015] Paper at the annual conference of the European Society of Criminology. https://www.esc-eurocrim.org/images/esc/files/Eurocrim2015_Book_Of_Abstracts.pdf
- Arnež, J. and Blakey, R. Young people ‘at risk’ of offending: Exploring their pathways to and through institutional responses [Oxford, United Kingdom, 06/05/2015] Paper at the Green Templeton College graduate conference in criminology and criminal justice.
- Arnež, J. Sexual offenders: Is treatment really targeting the causes of their crimes? [Ljubljana, Slovenia, 09/09/2009 – 12/09/2009] Paper at the annual conference of the European Society of Criminology. https://www.esc-eurocrim.org/images/esc/files/Ljubljana_Book of Abstracts.pdf
- Arnež, J. Women also slap, mistreat and degrade: A feminist view beyond comprehension or a step towards real gender equality? [Ljubljana, Slovenia, 09/09/2009 – 12/09/2009] Paper and chair at the annual conference of the European Society of Criminology as part of the ‘Gender Issues’ panel. https://www.esc-eurocrim.org/images/esc/files/Ljubljana_Book of Abstracts.pdf
- Arnež, J. Youth delinquency and parenting then and now: Examining the perceptions of social class in UK’s youth justice practice [New York, United States of America (online), 21/04/2021] Invited talk at the Seminar in International Criminal Justice, John Jay College.
- Arnež, J. Risk, Needs, and Discrimination: Examining the Fairness of Assessment and Planning Frameworks for Youth Justice Interventions [Oxford, United Kingdom (online), 19/11/2020] Invited talk at the Informal Seminar, Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford.
- Arnež, J. Institutional responses to youth deviance and parenting styles: Exploring the lived experience of social class in criminological theory and practice [Oxford, United Kingdom, 26/04/2017] Lecture delivered at the 2nd year DPhil student presentation series at Green Templeton College.
- Arnež, J. Responding to juvenile delinquency and parenting: Exploring professional perceptions on the role of social class in the beginnings of offending pathways and desistance from crime [Irvine, California, United States of America, 09/11/2016] Invited talk at the Law and Society Seminar series (School of Social Ecology), University of California, Irvine, Department of Criminology.
Jasmine Arnež guest lecture at the University of Edinburgh
Our researcher dr. Jasmina Arnež gave a guest lecture at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland on Wednesday, 28 February 2024 as part of The Crime, Justice & Society Seminar Series. In her lecture, she touched upon the hidden pathways of punishment and social...
Review of the book Negotiating Class in Youth Justice by our researcher Jasmina Arnež published in Theoretical Criminology
Professor Sveinung Sandberg from the University of Oslo has written a review of the book Negotiating Class in Youth Justice by our researcher Jasmina Arnež for the journal Theoretical Criminology. Jasmina's book also won the British Society of Criminology's 2023 Book...
American Society of Criminology (ASC) Annual Congress in Philadelphia, 15-18 November 2023
Our researchers Dr. Jasmina Arnež, Dr. Vasja Badalič, Prof. Renata Salecl and Prof. Aleš Završnik preseneted their papers at the ASC Annual Congress (photo: Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia, remains of the famous panoptic prison, 1829- 1971).
Researchers from the Institute of Criminology participated at the conference of the European society of criminology
Our researchers - Mojca Mihelj Plesničar, Jasmina Arnež, Lora Briški, Kristina Čufar, Matjaž Ambrož, Aleksej Jankovič and Vasja Badalič - presented their research achievements at the annual conference of the European Society of Criminology, which this year took place...
Our Research Associate Jasmina Arnež has been awarded the British Society of Criminology’s book prize for her monograph ‘Negotiating Class in Youth Justice’
Our Research Associate Jasmina Arnež has been awarded the British Society of Criminology's book prize for her monograph 'Negotiating Class in Youth Justice'
Mojca Plesničar and Jasmina Arnež at the international seminar The Future of Parole: Ideas, Institutions and Practice
Our researchers Mojca Plesničar and Jasmina Arnež participated in an international seminar on parole entitled The Future of Parole: Ideas, Institutions and Practice, held at the Onati International Institute for the Sociology of Law in the Basque Country. The seminar...
Our Research Associate Jasmina Arnež will be a Visiting Professor at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona
Between April and June 2023, our Research Associate Jasmina Arnež will be a Visiting Professor at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. At the Department of Law, she will teach Spanish and Erasmus students as part of the Crime Policy module.
Negotiating Youth Justice and Class: Professional Practice and Interactions
On 13 December, 12.30-14.00 CET, our Research Associate Jasmina Arnež will present her book 'Negotiating Youth Justice and Class: Professional Practice and Interactions', published by Routledge, at an online event. She will discuss the book with Professor Mark Halsey...
Absence from school and absence of data: The punitiveness of ignoring school absenteeism in ‘penal exceptionalism’
Our Research Associate Jasmina Arnež wrote a blog for the Excluded Lives website. Excluded Lives is a multi-disciplinary project across the four jurisdictions of the UK based in the Department of Education at the University of Oxford, with the London School of...