Renata Salecl
Renata Salecl is a philosopher and sociologist. She is Senior Researcher at the Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana and a Professor at the School of Law, Birkbeck College, London, United Kingdom. Since 2017, she has also been an Associate Member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Salecl has held numerous Visiting Professorships at Cardozo School of Law, New York, Humboldt University, Berlin, and Duke University, Durham, among other institutions. Her work is very interdisciplinary and focuses on bringing together law, criminology, the study of political ideologies, and psychoanalysis.
Fields of research
criminology, law and psychoanalysis, philosophy, sociology of culture, political culture
1000 Ljubljana
- Trans-making – Art/culture/economy to democratize society. Research in placemaking for alternative narrative
- Programska skupina | Družbeno nadzorstvo, kazenskopravni sistem, nasilje in preprečevanje viktimizacij v kontekstu visoko tehnološke družbe
- Preventivna (ne)pravičnost: preventivno preprečevanje kriminalitete in družbene škode
- Etični in pravni vidiki triaže ob epidemiji COVID-19
- Psihološki mehanizmi v kazenskem pravosodju: preizpraševanje objektivnosti
- Avtomatizirana pravičnost: družbeni, etični in pravni vidiki
- Človekove pravice in regulacija umetne inteligence vredne zaupanja
New Monograph: Legal, Ethical, and Medical Aspects of Triage
A new monograph titled Legal, Ethical, and Medical Aspects of Triage, edited by Renata Salecl, has been published by Springer Nature. The book examines critical ethical, legal, and medical dilemmas surrounding triage decision-making during pandemics, particularly when...
Dr. Renata Salecl guest in N1 podcast
In an interview with journalist Suzana Lovec (N1), dr. Renata Salecl talks about choice, anxiety, love, hate, rudeness, neoliberalism and ignorance. You can view the podcast via the link below: https://n1info.si/poglobljeno/uspe-takrat-ko-nas-zelo-ocara/ ...
International symposium entitled Who Cares for the People: from socialism to post-socialism
The Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana co-organises an international symposium entitled Who Cares for the People: from socialism to post-socialism. The symposium will take place on 28 May 2024 at the SAZU Hall, Novi trg 3, Ljubljana, starting...
Participation of Dr Renata Salecl in the Peace and Heritage of Hiroshima & Nagasaki Special Workshop
Renata Salecl participated in the Peace and Heritage of Hiroshima & Nagasaki Special Workshop held at Hiroshima University on 7 May 2024. As part of this workshop, she gave a lecture entitled Can the heritage of Hiroshima prepare us for the new threats of possible...
Lecture by Dr Renata Salecl at Hiroshima University
Dr Renata Salecl will be a guest lecturer at Hiroshima University on 22.5.2024. She will give a lecture entitled "Trauma and Ignorance: How people deal with memories of violence and war". The lecture will take place in the framework of The 31st International Peace and...
Dr. Renata Salecl’s talk at the Institute for Global Prosperity
Renata Salecl will be a special guest at a talk entitled Apathy, Politics and Anxiety on 30 May 2024. The talk is organised by the Institute for Global Prosperity.
Visit of Dr Renata Salecl to the Bitef Theatre
Renata Salecl attended a talk at the Bitef Theatre in Belgrade on 23.4.2024. The topic of the talk was Ignorance, Denial and Forgetting. The talk was moderated by Maja Pelević.
Discussion of the book “Strast za neznanjem” in Novi Sad
On Monday, 22.4.2024, Dr Renata Salecl will take part in a discussion about her book "Strast za neznanjem". The talk will take place at Zenit Books, Novi Sad, at 7 pm. The discussion will be moderated by Aleksandar Fatić, professor at the Faculty of Media and...
Renata Salecl presents her book in Paris
Renata Salecl presented a French translation of her book A Passion for Ignorance in Paris. Les Éditions Stilus organized a debate between Renata Salecl and French psychoanalyst, Ronan Wellebrouck in Librairie Michèle Ignazi.
American Society of Criminology (ASC) Annual Congress in Philadelphia, 15-18 November 2023
Our researchers Dr. Jasmina Arnež, Dr. Vasja Badalič, Prof. Renata Salecl and Prof. Aleš Završnik preseneted their papers at the ASC Annual Congress (photo: Eastern State Penitentiary, Philadelphia, remains of the famous panoptic prison, 1829- 1971).