Our researcher and associate member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Prof. Dr. Renata Salecl, was a guest on the program Osmi dan on TV Slovenija 1. She spoke about the problems of the current legal framework governing airspace and space, which was created in the 1960s. The legal framework no longer meets the threats to which the world’s population is exposed today.

Renata Salecl: “The existing mechanisms are inadequate. We must be aware that space legislation was adopted at the end of the 1960s. At that time there was no artificial intelligence, there was not yet the problem of international armies entering space, and many large countries had no desire for economic exploitation”.

The show also summarizes the background of the exhibition “Topologies of Airspace” by artist Shona Illingworth, which raises questions about the increasing colonization and militarization of airspace and calls for thinking about a new human right – the right to live without threats from the air.

You are invited to watch the show on: Shona Illingworth, avtorica instalacije Tipologije zračnega prostora
