Domestic violence is a pressing social phenomenon characterized by a large gap between the reported and actual extent of violence. Domestic violence is a violation of human rights, and that is why the state is obliged to effectively prevent it and protect victims when violence occurs. Both broader domestic violence and narrower stalking within family violence are phenomena in which the perpetrators are mostly men, and are directed mostly against women; research shows that stalking is more likely at the end of a relationship. That is why the majority of victimological research – including two conducted in the last fifteen years in Slovenia – primarily measures violence against women. We believe that for a deeper insight into the state of domestic violence in Slovenia and specifically into the state of stalking, a victimological survey is needed, which will measure the incidence in both sexes, which will be carried out on a large and representative sample and which, in addition to “traditional” methods of stalking, will also measure the incidence of stalking through modern technology.
In the research, we will conduct a qualitative analysis of cases of restraining orders issued in cases of domestic violence in the period 2016-2021, and we will especially focus on cases that had signs of stalking. There are only about four percent of such cases, nevertheless, we will be interested in whether they were violated and from the description of the case, what the characteristics of the relationship are. We will try to present the characteristics of cases that call for more intensive supervision and intensive assistance to the victim with the aim of protection.
Project type: Target Research Programme
Grant agreement number: V5-24037
Duration of the project: 1. 10. 2024 – 30. 9. 2026
- Review and analysis of research on stalking in connection with domestic violence
- The extent of stalking as one of the manifestations of domestic violence
- Analysis of court rulings in cases of domestic violence
- The (in)effectiveness of restraining orders – a qualitative analysis of cases where signs of stalking are present
- Assessment of the adequacy of legal regulation and practice
The project leader is Dr. Eva Bertok, Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law, Ljubljana.