Marko Balažic


Marko Balažic works as an assistant at the Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana. He completed his bachelor’s and master’s degree at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana and then continued his career in the judiciary. After passing the state bar exam, he first worked as a legal advisor in the criminal division of the Supreme Court in Ljubljana and later as a legal advisor in the criminal division of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia. In addition to his work in practice, he was also involved in several research projects at the Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana.




Fields of research

substantive criminal law and criminal procedural law, criminal sanctions, the relationship between criminal law doctrine and criminal policy, criminology, criminal law and criminal justice
  • BALAŽIC, Marko. The Defendant’s Right to Be Informed of the Change in Legal Qualification of the Act in Light of the Case Law of the ECtHR, CJEU, and Constitutional Decision Up-1702/22-10. Pravna praksa: PP. [Printed edition]. May 23, 2024, year 43, no. 21, supplement, pp. ii-viii, with author’s abstract. ISSN 0352-0730. [COBISS.SI-ID 197421059]

  • BALAŽIC, Marko. “Then I’d Rather Rob Gas Stations” – On Salary and Staffing Issues of Legal Associates in the Slovenian Judiciary. Pravna praksa: PP. [Printed edition]. November 21, 2024, year 43, no. 45, pp. 8-9, with author’s abstract. ISSN 0352-0730. [COBISS.SI-ID 215866883]

  • BALAŽIC, Marko. The Obligation to Issue a Finding Decision on Detention When Challenged Judgment Is Tightened. Pravna praksa: PP. [Printed edition]. March 3, 2022, year 41, no. 9, pp. 10-12, portrait. ISSN 0352-0730. [COBISS.SI-ID 99611651]

  • BALAŽIC, Marko. Suspension of Certain Deadlines in Criminal Matters During the Epidemic. Pravna praksa: PP. [Printed edition]. April 1, 2021, year 40, no. 13, pp. 13-15, author’s abstract. ISSN 0352-0730. [COBISS.SI-ID 57965059]

  • BALAŽIC, Marko. The Child as a Victim of Criminal Acts. Pravnik: Journal for Legal Theory and Practice. [Printed edition]. 2024, vol. 79, no. 7/8, pp. 491-498, 533-534. ISSN 0032-6976. Digital Library of Slovenia – [COBISS.SI-ID 212246019]

Institute of Criminology
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1000 Ljubljana


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