Aleš Završnik

Director of the Institute

Professor Aleš Završnik is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana and a full professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Ljubljana, where he received his PhD. He has completed postdoctoral training at the ETH Zürich, and Max Planck Institute in Freiburg and the Faculty of Law of the University of Oslo. His research focuses on topics at the intersection of law, information technology and crime. He is interested in the impact of new technologies on human rights, social control and subjectivity. He has conducted several research projects at the Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana and Zürich. At the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, he lectures at the first Bologna and at the PhD levels, for example, on Crime, Social Control and Information Technology. He has been involved in the development of the regulation of new technologies at the Council of Europe, e.g. with the Council of Europe’s European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) in the development of the European Charter on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Justice Systems (2018) and the Council of Europe’s Committee of Experts on Criminal Matters (CD-PC) on Artificial Intelligence and Criminal Law Liability. At the national level, he has participated in several inter-ministerial working groups to prepare fundamental guidelines for the work of ministries. He cooperates with the European Research Council (ERC) in the ethical review procedures of security and ICT projects and the ethical appraisal procedures of other European and national research agencies. His bibliography comprises more than 500 units. He has received several awards for his scientific work, including the European Society of Criminology’s Best Article of the Year 2021 Award.

Fields of research

at the intersection of law, IT, crime and social control. For example, he has worked on cybercrime and cyberbullying, the impact of artificial intelligence on human rights and fundamental procedural guarantees in criminal proceedings, algorithmic surveillance, the regulation of hate speech, ethics and automated driving, privacy and data protection law issues and surveillance, the impact of social media on democracy and the phenomenon of fake news, problems related to autonomous weapons and drones, large EU IT biometric systems and crimmigration, big data and social control, automation of justice, and ethical and legal regulation of Artificial intelligence.

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Prof. Dr Aleš Završnik at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia on the opportunities and pitfalls of artificial intelligence

Prof. Dr Aleš Završnik at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia on the opportunities and pitfalls of artificial intelligence

Prof. Dr Aleš Završnik at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia on the opportunities and pitfalls of artificial intelligence on 8.11.2023: At the meeting called "Constitutional Moment", prof. Završnik gave a talk on the relevance of AI for law and...

Aleš Završnik guest on the program “Intelekta”

Aleš Završnik guest on the program “Intelekta”

The Director of the Institute, Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik, was a guest on the program "Intelekta" on Radio Slovenia's First Program. The guests of the program reflected on who will benefit and who will be harmed by the new artificial intelligence, and how to use and...

Aleš Završnik guest on the show Panoptikum about hate speech

Aleš Završnik guest on the show Panoptikum about hate speech

Our researcher prof. dr. Aleš Završnik was a guest on the show Panoptikum on TV Slovenia, whose topic was hate speech. The guests of the programme reflected on what hate speech is; how and why it is created; what is the role of social media; where is the line between...

Cyberspace 2022

Cyberspace 2022

CYBERSPACE 2022 Our researchers Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik, Aleksej Jankovič and Iva Ramuš Cvetkovič attended the international conference CYBERSPACE 2022 in Brno. The now traditional conference, which celebrated its 20th anniversary this year, covers a wide range of...


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