Renata Salecl: A Tale of Love and Hate
Debates & Talks: A Tale of Love and Hate Robert Rowland Smith, Renata Salecl, Rowan Williams. Michael Crick hosts. We think love an indisputable force for good. Yet from Jihadi John to Anders Breivik, extremists often cite love of creed or country to justify...
Understanding Causes and Consequences of the Criminalisation of Migration
“Understanding Causes and Consequences of Criminalization of Migration” International conference, 17-18 May 2018, City Hotel, Ljubljana, Slovenia Organized by: Peace Institute, Ljubljana; Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law Ljubljana; International Law...
Towards “Automated Justice” – Aleš Završnik
Our world runs on the application of big data, algorithms, and artificial intelligence (AI) in many areas of our lives; social networks suggest whom to befriend, algorithms trade our stocks, and even romance is no longer a statistics-free zone. Big data coupled with...