Renata Salecl: Ignorance in Times of Post-Truth
Renata Salecl (University of Ljubljana/Birkbeck College) Ignorance in Times of Post-Truth Comment: Roland Breeur (KU Leuven) November 16, 2017 Thursday Lectures – Institute of Philosophy KU LEUVEN
Working meeting of Trans-making project partners
On September 13, 2017, a working meeting of the Trans-making project partners took place at the Institute of Criminology. Trans-making – Art/culture/economy to democratize society is a four year Marie Curie project (Horizon 2020), which brings together a global...
46th annual European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control conference
In August 2018 Institute of Criminology at the Law faculty in Ljubljana will host the 46th annual European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control conference, where criminologists, critical criminologists and zemiologists will discuss social harm that...