Empirical research on sentencing (ERoS) annual conference – reminder

Empirical research on sentencing (ERoS) annual conference – reminder

At ERoS we are excited to start our summer gathering, which will, hopefully, still allow plenty of opportunities to share experience, opinions, and knowledge on sentencing research and foster informal relationships among researchers interested in the topic. The frist...
Turning the lens: Researching sentencers

Turning the lens: Researching sentencers

Turning the lens: Researching sentencers Empirical research on sentencing (ERoS) annual conference series of online seminars, August & September 2020   On the account of the circumstances surrounding travel and gatherings, the third annual conference of the...
Negotiated Justice in Europe: Myths, Reality and New Perspectives

Negotiated Justice in Europe: Myths, Reality and New Perspectives

Serija predavanj “Negotiated Justice in Europe: Myths, Reality and New Perspectives” bo potekala 2., 9., 16., 18. in 19. decembra 2019 ob 15h v Knjižnici Inštituta za kriminologijo. Predavanja bo izvajal dr. Jacopo Della Torre, podoktorski raziskovalec na...