A scientific monograph Law and Artificial Intelligence: questions of ethics, human rights and social harm (Pravo i umjetna inteligencija: pitanja etike, prava čovjeka i društvene štete), edited by our researcher prof. dr Aleš Završnik and dr. Katja Simončič, has been...
Our researchers Mojca Plesničar and Lora Briški attended the annual conference of the Socio-Legal Studies Association in Derry-Londonderry (Northern Ireland), where they presented the findings of the research project entitled Sentencing policy for sexual...
Our researcher prof. dr. Aleš Završnik was a guest on the show Panoptikum on TV Slovenia, whose topic was hate speech. The guests of the programme reflected on what hate speech is; how and why it is created; what is the role of social media; where is the line between...
On Thursday, 23 March 2023, our researcher Dr Renata Salecl was a speaker at The Sky Assembly: towards a new human right conference, held in Toulouse, France, as part of Shona Illingworth’s exhibition Topologies of Air.
The Institute of Criminology welcomed a delegation from the Law Enforcement Academy in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) and legal advisor mag. Goran Klemenčič with the prospect of future cooperation.
For her commitment in applying for and managing numerous projects and for her successful cooperation with stakeholders in criminal justice, the Institute of Criminology awarded Dr Mojca Mihelj Plesničar with the Award for outstanding achievements in...