Tuesday Meeting: Decolonising Artificial Intelligence: Visual Strategies and Digital Methodologies in a Post-Digital Age
In the framework of the Tuesday Meetings, a lecture by Professor Anthony Downey, entitled ‘Decolonising Artificial Intelligence: Visual Strategies and Digital Methodologies in a Post-Digital Age’ will take place on Tuesday, 7.3.2023, at 11:00, in the...
Renata Salecl was a guest on the Machinic Unconscious Happy Hour podcast
Our researcher dr. Renata Salecl was a guest on the Machinic Unconscious Happy Hour podcast, where she talked about philosophy, anxiety, her book A Passion for Ignorance and her other research interests. You can listen to the podcast at the link...
Renata Salecl bo gostovala na Münchenski varnostni konferenciRenata Salecl will be a guest speaker at the Munich Security Conference
Our researcher dr. Renata Salecl will be a guest speaker at the Munich Security Conference (MSC) on Friday, 17 February 2023. She will participate in the MSC Security and Literature Series, which this year focuses particularly on the Republic of Slovenia. The...
Article written by Vasja Badalič published in Critical Military Studies
Naslov: Article written by Vasja Badalič published in Critical Military Studies Vsebina: The journal Critical Military Studies published a peer-reviewed article written by Vasja Badalič. The article, titled The metadata-driven killing apparatus: big data analytics,...