Our researchers participated in the 14th Conference on Criminal Law and Criminology
On Wednesday, 30 November 2022, our researchers, Dr Matjaž Jager, Dr Matjaž Ambrož, Lora Briški and Marko Drobnjak attended the 14th Criminal Law and Criminology Conference. In the session Medical triage between ethics and law, chaired by Dr Jager, they gave lectures...
The Passion for Ignorance by Dr. Renata Salecl is published in a paperback edition by Princeton University Press
A paperback edition of The Passion to Ignorance: What We Choose Not to Know and Why, by our researcher Dr. Renata Salecl, has just been published by Princeton University Press. The book is enriched with a new introduction by the author, which addresses the issue of...
Cyberspace 2022
CYBERSPACE 2022 Our researchers Prof. Dr. Aleš Završnik, Aleksej Jankovič and Iva Ramuš Cvetkovič attended the international conference CYBERSPACE 2022 in Brno. The now traditional conference, which celebrated its 20th anniversary this year, covers a wide range of...
How to be anti-colonial?
On Sunday, 4 December 2022, our researcher Dr. Renata Salecl will participate in a debate entitled ‘How to be anti-colonial?’. The debate will take place within the framework of The Radio Disaster Series: Colonialism in Camouflage, organised by the Mudam...