dr. Renata Salecl bo imela osrednji nagovor na konferenci Øredev v Malomöu
Our researcher dr. Renata Salecl will be a keynote speaker at the Øredev international conference for software developers, which takes place in Malmö, Sweden, from 8 to 11 November 2022. The lecture will look at the question of how technology is contributing to the...
Absence from school and absence of data: The punitiveness of ignoring school absenteeism in ‘penal exceptionalism’
Our Research Associate Jasmina Arnež wrote a blog for the Excluded Lives website. Excluded Lives is a multi-disciplinary project across the four jurisdictions of the UK based in the Department of Education at the University of Oxford, with the London School of...
The Director of the Institute of Criminology, Prof. Aleš Završnik, is the recipient of the ESC European Journal of Criminology Best 2021 Article award
The Director of the Institute of Criminology, Prof. Aleš Završnik, is the recipient of the ESC European Journal of Criminology Best 2021 Article award in recognition of his article“Algorithmic justice: Algorithms and big data in criminal justice settings”, published...
Vasja Badalič talked on Radio Študent about the current situation in Afghanistan
Vasja Badalič appeared on Radio Študent to talk about the current socio-political situation in Afghanistan. You can listen the entire radio show on this link: https://radiostudent.si/politika/kultivator/afganistan-300-dni-po-odhodu-ameriske-vojske