Marko Bošnjak, former associate of the Institute of Criminology, elected as President of the ECHR
The European Court of Human Rights has elected Dr. Marko Bošnjak as its president. Dr. Bošnjak began his academic career as a junior researcher at the Institute of Criminology, where he later served as a research associate . We sincerely and proudly congratulate our...
Statement by the Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law Ljubljana on the situation in Gaza and other Occupied Palestinian Territories and the related violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms within the European Union
The statement of the collective of the Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana is available here. The statement was summarised for RTV Slovenia by our young researcher Iva Ramuš Cvetkovič, the summary can be found...
Invitation to Tuesday’s meeting: A Curveball and a Glimmer of Hope? Reflecting on 2024 Local Elections and Democratic Resilience in Turkey
We kindly invite you to a Tuesday Meeting lecture by dr. Deniz Erkmen, titled »A Curveball and a Glimmer of Hope? Reflecting on 2024 Local Elections and Democratic Resilience in Turkey«, which will be held on Wednesday, 15 May, at 11.00 at the library of the Institute...
Registration for the conference “Democratic backsliding in the era of permanent crises”
Registrations are now open for conference “Democratic backsliding in the era of permanent crises”, which we are organizing together with our partners within the project SOS4democracy. You can register here: https://form.jotform.com/240993120275354 Registration...