Researchers from the Institute of Criminology participated at the conference of the European society of criminology
Our researchers – Mojca Mihelj Plesničar, Jasmina Arnež, Lora Briški, Kristina Čufar, Matjaž Ambrož, Aleksej Jankovič and Vasja Badalič – presented their research achievements at the annual conference of the European Society of Criminology, which this year...
New monograph – “Preventive (in)justice”
A new monograph entitled “Preventive (in)justice – The prevention of crime and social harms” has been published by the Institute of Criminology. The monograph – edited by dr. Vasja Badalič and with chapters authored by several Institute of...
A new EU project SOS4democracy
The Institute of Criminology will be coordinating a new European project called “Social Sciences for Democracy: A training program to improve research on illiberal systems and find ways to build more robust democracies (SOS4democracy)”. The project aims to...
Article written by Vasja Badalič published in Critical Military Studies
Naslov: Article written by Vasja Badalič published in Critical Military Studies Vsebina: The journal Critical Military Studies published a peer-reviewed article written by Vasja Badalič. The article, titled The metadata-driven killing apparatus: big data analytics,...