Kristina Čufar


Kristina is a Research Associate at the Institute of Criminology and an Assistant Professor of sociology of law at the Faculty of Law University of Ljubljana. She graduated from the Faculty of Law University of Ljubljana and earned LL.M. and Ph.D. degrees at the European University Institute. After completing her Ph.D., she spent several years teaching and researching at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana. She also spent periods as a visiting researcher at the London School of Economics, the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, the Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law, and the University of Turku. Kristina’s research intertwines the philosophy of law, critical legal theory, and socio-legal approaches to investigate law’s complicity in perpetuating social inequalities, as well as the potentialities of socio-legal transformations. Kristina’s research focuses on the issues related to philosophy of law, feminist and queer legal theory, law and technology, social inequality, and legal and societal implications of the regulation of controlled substances.


Areas of research

philosophy of law, socio-legal theory, critical legal theory, feminist legal theory, law and the humanities, law and technology, social inequalities, controlled substances




  • Alternatives to conventional punishment of drug offenders: the case of cannabis
  • Unofficial psychedelic-assisted therapy in Slovenian legal framework
  • SOS4democracy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Light of Negative and Positive Obligations of a State to Ensure the Right to Life
  • JUDGMERIT – Izbira sodnikov pod drobnogledom: sodniška neodvisnost, zakonitost in odlike


  • RECOGNISE – Legal Reasoning and Cognitive Science
    • Čufar Kristina (2023) Prescriptive Descriptions: Reason-Emotion Binary through Feminist Critique; Diritto & Questioni Pubbliche, special issue: Legal Reasoning and Cognitive Science: Topics and Perspectives, Marco Brigaglia and Corrado Roversi (editors)
    • Čufar Kristina (2021) Pure Theory’s Deconstruction; European Journal of Legal Studies 13 (1): pp. 155-186
    • Čufar Kristina (2021) Človeško, prečloveško: Diskriminatorna mašina – Human, All Too Human: Discriminating Machine in Pravo in umetna inteligenca: vprašanja etike, človekovih pravic in družbene škode, Aleš Završnik and Katja Simončič (editors), Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law, pp. 409-435
    • Čufar Kristina (2021) Subject, Actor, Sovereign: The Doer behind the Deed? in Human Rights, Constitutional Law and International Law: Research, Synergies and Contemporary Issues, Núria Saura-Freixes (editor), Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, pp. 299-317
    • Čufar Kristina (2020) Pravna epistemologija (v časih) razkroja – Legal Epistemology (in the Times) of Decay; Zbornik znanstvenih razprav 80 (1): pp. 7-29
    • Čufar Kristina (2024) Unofficial Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy: A challenge for Law and Society; Annual Meeting on Law and Society 
    • Čufar Kristina (2023) To define is to regulate: AI ethics, (neo)extractivism, and the material blind spots of partial terminologies; Annual Meeting on Law and Society
    • Čufar Kristina (2022) AI and Global Inequalities: Beyond the Code; University of Turku
    • Čufar Kristina (2022) Fleshy Sedition – Procrastinating Resistance?; Critical Legal Conference 2022 (Liminalities); Arctic University of Tromsø
    • Čufar Kristina (2022) Power and Procrastination: Resistance of the Flesh; The Art of Everyday Life Seminar Series; Ulster University
    • Čufar Kristina (2020) Resnice/-a o/v pravu – Truth(s) in/of Law; Grounded Festival Ljubljana – Festival of Electronic Music, Critical Thinking and Activism
    • Čufar Kristina (2019) Global Law? A Kelsenian Reading of Postmodern Legalities; Koç University
    • Čufar Kristina (2019) Subject, Actor, Sovereign: The Doer behind the Deed?; Theory Talks: Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
    • Čufar Kristina (2019) The Doer behind the Deed? A Kelsenian Reading of Postmodern Legalities; Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México
    • Čufar Kristina (2018) Performativities of Disappearing Bodies…; Annual Meeting – Association for the Study of Law, Culture & the Humanities; Georgetown Law
    • Čufar Kristina (2017) Kosovel’s (Post-)Catastrophic Smirks?; Critical Legal Conference (Catastrophe); University of Warwick
    • Čufar Kristina (2017) Interpellation-Imputation-Interpretation; Annual Meeting – Association for the Study of Law, Culture & the Humanities; Stanford University
    • Čufar Kristina (2016) How Does the Grundnorm Fare?; Tilburg Law School Seminar; Tilburg University
    • Čufar Kristina (2016) We as the Problem – Has It Already Happened?; Critical Legal Conference (Turning Points); University of Kent
    • Čufar Kristina (2015) The Norms of Aesthetics in Academic Writing; The Aesthetics of Academic Practice; European University Institute


    • University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences: Basics of Law


    • University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law: Constitutional Law, Anti-discrimination Law, Sociology of Law, Introduction to Jurisprudence
    • University of Maribor, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security: Human Rights in Criminal Justice
    • University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Public Administration: Introduction to Law and Constitutional Foundations
    • University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering: Introduction to Law
    • European University Institute: A Feminist Introduction to Legal Methods

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