Miha Marčenko


Miha Marčenko is a research assistant on the Sentrix project (Sentencing architecture: building a decision-making matrix) at the Institute of Criminology. Between 2023 and 2024, he was a postdoctoral researcher (Max Weber Fellow) at the European University Institute in Florence. Before that, he completed his PhD at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Miha is researching socio-legal influences on decision-making within criminal procedures, particularly in the process of sentencing. His wider field of study is institutional practices and discourses, which co-create our social reality. Miha concluded his undergraduate law degree at the University of Ljubljana and an LLM in international law at the University of Manchester.



Fields of research

decision-making in the criminal process, the politics of sentencing, institutional practices and discourses, socio-legal approaches to legal institutions, critical theory
Institute of Criminology
Poljanski nasip 2
1000 Ljubljana


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