Mojca M. Plesničar
Mojca is a research associate at the Institute of Criminology and an assistant professor in Criminology and Criminal law at the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana. She studied at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana and at the University of Oxford. Her research focuses on the topics of punishment, sentencing, and decision-making in criminal justice. She is an active member of the wider European research community and regularly contributes to improving the Slovenian criminal justice system.

Areas of research
sentencing, punishment and decision-making processes in criminal justice, new technologies and criminal justice, marginalised groups (youth, women, foreigners) in criminology and criminal justice, violent crime, sexual crime.
Researchers from the Institute of Criminology participated at the conference of the European society of criminology
Our researchers - Mojca Mihelj Plesničar, Jasmina Arnež, Lora Briški, Kristina Čufar, Matjaž Ambrož, Aleksej Jankovič and Vasja Badalič - presented their research achievements at the annual conference of the European Society of Criminology, which this year took place...
Mojca Plesničar and Lora Briški at the international workshop Democratic backsliding and penal policy in Europe
Our researchers Mojca Plesničar and Lora Briški participated in the international workshop entitled Democratic backsliding and penal policy in Europe. They presented a paper entitled Politics and criminal justice in Slovenia: (In)competent attempts and resistance by...
Mojca Plesničar and Jasmina Arnež at the international seminar The Future of Parole: Ideas, Institutions and Practice
Our researchers Mojca Plesničar and Jasmina Arnež participated in an international seminar on parole entitled The Future of Parole: Ideas, Institutions and Practice, held at the Onati International Institute for the Sociology of Law in the Basque Country. The seminar...
Mojca Plesničar and Lora Briški take part in the 12th Conference on the future of adversarial and inquisitorial systems
Our researchers Mojca Plesničar and Lora Briški attended the 12th Conference on the future of adversarial and inquisitorial systems in Bologna. Mojca Plesničar delivered a lecture entitled Searching for Bias, Finding Noise: Experimenting with criminal justice...
Mojca Plesničar and Lora Briški take part in the annual conference of the Socio-Legal Studies Association
Our researchers Mojca Plesničar and Lora Briški attended the annual conference of the Socio-Legal Studies Association in Derry-Londonderry (Northern Ireland), where they presented the findings of the research project entitled Sentencing policy for sexual crimes.
Doc. dr. Mojca Mihelj Plesničar je prejemnica priznanja za izjemne dosežke na področju kriminologije
For her commitment in applying for and managing numerous projects and for her successful cooperation with stakeholders in criminal justice, the Institute of Criminology awarded Dr Mojca Mihelj Plesničar with the Award for outstanding achievements in criminology.
International conference »Psychological mechanisms in criminal justice: Deconstructing objectivity«
On 16 and 17 June, the Institute of Criminology and the Faculty of Law at the University of Ljubljana are organising an international conference titled "Psychological mechanisms in criminal justice: deconstructing objectivity". Objectivity is one of the fundamental...