The Challenges of processing
Human Trafficking in Slovenia


Human trafficking is a serious problem for modern societies, as it contradicts the fundamental postulates of human rights and human dignity. The problem is present in human society at all times, but is especially emphasized in times of increased migration flows, when people from less developed backgrounds, who are often in a vulnerable position, are particularly exposed to the risk of exploitation and trafficking. A modern society based on respect for human rights and human dignity cannot ignore these violations, as human trafficking undermines the fundamental values of freedom, equality and justice. The project examines the case law and legislation in the field of human trafficking in Slovenia and focuses on improving the prosecution and protection of victims.

The main objectives of the project are:

  • Case law analysis: the project will examine court cases from the last ten years to identify patterns in the treatment of trafficking offenses and the imposition of sanctions.
  • Review of legislation: The normative analysis will be complemented by an examination of the compliance of legal provisions, in particular Article 113 of the Criminal Code (KZ-1), with international standards and their relationship to other offenses, such as the abuse of prostitution or the violation of fundamental workers’ rights.
  • Comparison with international practices: A comparison of the Slovenian justice system with selected EU countries will be carried out, which will make it possible to identify best practices and place the Slovenian system in the wider European area.
  • Development of recommendations: Based on the analysis, the project will formulate concrete recommendations for legislative changes and the improvement of court procedures.

The significance of the project for society is multifaceted. A better understanding of case law and legislation will enable judicial authorities to review their work and determine whether and how it is in line with the values they are supposed to protect. The project will enable legislators to make more considered legislative changes based on empirical data. The public will gain a better insight into the functioning of the legal system, which will contribute to greater trust in the judiciary. From a scientific point of view, an empirical approach to researching legal problems and developing methods is important.

Project Type: Target Research Programme

Grant agreement number: V5-24001

Duration: 1. 10. 2024 – 30. 9. 2025


The project is divided into 6 work packages:

  • Project management
  • Normative analysis and literature study
  • Analysis of case law in Slovenia
  • Analysis of trends in foreign regulations
  • Synthesis, conclusions, recommendations
  • Dissemination of results

The project leader is Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mojca Mihelj Plesničar, Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law Ljubljana.


The targeted research project is funded by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS) and Ministry of the Interior (MNZ).

Ministry of the Interior Slovenia - Substrata d.o.o.

Project Members

  • Mojca M. Plesničar
  • Marko Balažic
  • Luka Gal Prestor
  • Lovrena Jeromelj
  • Matjaž Ambrož

Inštitut za kriminologijo
Poljanski nasip 2
1000 Ljubljana


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