Renata Salecl
Renata Salecl is a philosopher and sociologist. She is Senior Researcher at the Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana and a Professor at the School of Law, Birkbeck College, London, United Kingdom. Since 2017, she has also been an Associate Member of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Salecl has held numerous Visiting Professorships at Cardozo School of Law, New York, Humboldt University, Berlin, and Duke University, Durham, among other institutions. Her work is very interdisciplinary and focuses on bringing together law, criminology, the study of political ideologies, and psychoanalysis.
Fields of research
criminology, law and psychoanalysis, philosophy, sociology of culture, political culture
1000 Ljubljana
- Trans-making – Art/culture/economy to democratize society. Research in placemaking for alternative narrative
- Programska skupina | Družbeno nadzorstvo, kazenskopravni sistem, nasilje in preprečevanje viktimizacij v kontekstu visoko tehnološke družbe
- Preventivna (ne)pravičnost: preventivno preprečevanje kriminalitete in družbene škode
- Etični in pravni vidiki triaže ob epidemiji COVID-19
- Psihološki mehanizmi v kazenskem pravosodju: preizpraševanje objektivnosti
- Avtomatizirana pravičnost: družbeni, etični in pravni vidiki
- Človekove pravice in regulacija umetne inteligence vredne zaupanja
On Passion for Ignorance
On Friday, 20 October 2023, our researcher dr. Renata Salecl had a debate with prof. dr. Susanne Baer, former judge of The Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, at the Frankfurt Book Fair. The title of the debate was On Passion for Ignorance.
Dr. Renata Salecl at the International Book Festival in Buenos Aires (FILBA)
Our researcher dr. Renata Salecl will be speaking at the Buenos Aires International Book Festival (FILBA) on Friday 29 September. The discussion will focus on her new book Humanovirus, which has just been published by Editiones Godot in Argentina. In Humanovirus, dr....
Dr. Renata Salecl speaks at a colloquium in Buenos Aires
On Tuesday, 19 September 2023, our researcher dr. Renata Salecl spoke at a colloquium entitled "The legal professions towards the new technologies of production, calculation and digital surveillance", organised by the Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires.
Dr. Renata Salecl: Cycle »Secret History of My Library«
On Wednesday, 20 September, our researcher dr. Renata Salecl, who is currently in Buenos Aires, will give a lecture as part of the Malba Writers' Residency activities. During the lecture, she will give the audience access to her private library and ask herself, what...
New monograph – “Preventive (in)justice”
A new monograph entitled "Preventive (in)justice - The prevention of crime and social harms" has been published by the Institute of Criminology. The monograph - edited by dr. Vasja Badalič and with chapters authored by several Institute of Criminology researchers -...
Interview with dr. Renata Salecl in Buenos Aires
Today, on Wednesday, 13 September 2023, there will be a conversation in the framework of the MALBA Writers' Residency with our researcher dr. Renata Salecl, who is currently visiting Buenos Aires. "An exclusive interview with Renata Salecl, the fourth REM guest, will...
Interview with dr. Renata Salecl on AirBeletrina
The AirBeletrina website has published an interview with our researcher dr. Renata Salecl, in which she discusses her latest book, Time of Roughness....
Renata Salecl selected in the MALBA Writers’ Residency Programme
Our researcher, dr. Renata Salecl, has been chosen to participate in the Malba Writers Residence Programme, hosted in collaboration with the Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires. https://rem.malba.org.ar/en/residentes/
Predavanje Renate Salecl v muzeju Inside-Out Art v Pekingu Renata Salecl guest lecture at the Inside-Out Art Museum in Beijing
Our researcher, Dr. Renata Salecl, attended a discussion titled "Ignorance, Disillusionment, and the Law of the Jungle" at the Inside-Out Art Museum in Beijing on Saturday, June 24, 2023. The event featured the participation of Dr. Salecl and Wang Xiaoming, a...
A short film about dr. Renata Salec
The Slovenian Book Agency has published a short film about our researcher, prof. dr. Renata Salecl, which was produced on the occasion of the Frankfurt Book Fair, where dr. Salecl was the guest of honor. We invite you to watch it!...