Aleš Završnik
director and researcher
Fields of research: criminology, criminal law, philosophy of law, psychology and law, law and psychoanalysis, post-structural analysis of law, crime and technology, cybercrime

Renata Salecl
Fields of research: criminology and psychoanalysis, law and psychoanalysis, philosophy, sociology of culture, political culture, culture and violence
Matjaž Jager
Fields of research: Crimes of the powerful, ethics and (criminal) law, philosophy of deviance, criminology of the state of exception
Mojca M. Plesničar
Areas of research: sentencing, punishment and decision-making processes in criminal justice, new technologies and criminal justice, marginalised groups (youth, women, foreigners) in criminology and criminal justice, violent crime, sexual crime.

Aleksej Jankovič
Fields of research: philosophy of law, law and emotion, ethics, judiciary

Iva Ramuš Cvetkovič
young researcher
Fields of research: criminological, criminal and international legal aspects of technology, philosophy of law, theories on violence and evil, space technology and space law, effects of technological development on human rights

Manja Skočir
young researcher
Fields of research: criminology, philosophy (of law), maschine ethics, criminology and literature

Kristina Čufar
Fields of research: philosophy of law, socio-legal theory, critical legal theory, feminist legal theory, law and the humanities, law and technology, social inequalities, controlled substances

Pika Šarf
Fields of research: human rights in the digital age, right to privacy and data protection, legal aspects of cyber security (cyber crime, regulation of cyberspace)

Hana Hawlina
social and cultural psychology, psychological perspectives on social change, theoretical psychology, social representations and imaginaries, illiberalisation, collective imagination
Professional staff of Institute of Criminology is led by the director. It consists of senior researchers, part-time researches, external collaborates, junior researchers. Researchers hold a Ph.D with various internal titles such as senior scientific counselor, senior scientific fellows and scientific fellows. Junior researchers hold bachelor’s degree or master’s degree are part of the institute wihile pursuing a Ph.D. The rest of the staff consists of library and administration staff.
Part-time researchers
- Matjaž Ambrož, PhD Law, Researcher, Professor
- Katja Filipčič, PhD Law, Researcher, Professor
- Primož Križnar, M.A. Law, Researcher
- Miha Hafner, PhD Law, Researcher, Assistant Professor
- Katja Šugman Stubbs, PhD, Researcher, Full Professor
Visiting scholars
- Maša Galič (2022), assistant professor of privacy and criminal (procedure) law at the Criminal law and Criminology Department of the Vrije Universiteit (VU)
- Lior Volinz, Ph.D. (2021), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, postdoctoral researcher (Crime and Society - CRiS)
- Jakub Drapal, (2022, 2021, 2020), Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Prague.
- Maja Brkan, Ph.D. (2020), University of Ljubljana, Associate Professor of EU law, Faculty of law of Maastricht University
- Dragan Petrovec, PhD, Researcher and Professor
- Alenka Šelih, PhD, Researcher and Professor Emeritus
- dr. Marko Bošnjak: Vice-President and Judge, ECHR https://www.echr.coe.int/Pages/home.aspx?p=court/judges&c=#n1368718271710_pointer
- dr. Maja Brkan: Judge, General Court, CJEU https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/jcms/Jo2_7035/en/
- dr. Primož Gorkič: Judge at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia https://www.sodisce.si/vsrs/zaposleni/seznam_sodnikov/
- dr. Ciril Keršmanc, okrožni sodnik https://www.sodisce.si/okrolj/zaposleni/seznam_sodnikov/
- dr. Saša Kmet: Judge at the Higher Court in Celje https://www.sodisce.si/visce/zaposleni/seznam_sodnikov/
- Primož Križnar: Master of Law
- Bogomil Brvar: Prof. of mathematics and physics, specialist in criminology (Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana)