Jasmina Arnež


Jasmina je znanstvena sodelavka na Inštitutu za kriminologijo pri Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, raziskovalno pa sodeluje tudi s Centrom za kriminologijo Univerze v Oxfordu. Jasmina raziskuje predvsem na področjih mladinske kulture, mladoletniške kriminalitete, povezav med izključitvijo iz šole in kaznivimi dejanji mladih, preizprašuje pa tudi učinkovitost in pravičnost odzivov na mladoletniško kriminaliteto, s poudarkom na razumevanju in preprečevanju sistemske diskriminacije otrok. Zanima jo uporaba Bourdieuja in kritične sociologije v kriminologiji ter primerjalna kriminologija, kiminalitetna politika in prenos kriminoloških teorij v prakso.

Jasmina je diplomirala na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani in opravila pravniški državni izpit, nato pa je več let delala kot višja pravosodna svetovalka na Okrožnem sodišču v Ljubljani (kazenski oddelek). Po zaključku magistrskega in doktorskega študija ter podoktorskega raziskovalnega projekta na Centru za kriminologijo Univerze v Oxfordu se je Jasmina pridružila Univerzi v Keelu kot predavateljica iz kriminologije, nato pa leta 2022 Inštitutu za kriminologijo v Ljubljani.

Leta 2022 je Jasmina pri založbi Routledge izdala monografijo Negotiating Class in Youth Justice: Professional Practice and Interactions, v kateri raziskuje, kako družbeni razred vpliva na interakcije med strokovnjaki, starši in mladimi, ko otroke obravnavajo različne institucije (centri za socialno delo in zgodnjo intervencijo, šole, policija, mladoletniško pravosodje, psihološke svetovalnice, zdravstvene institucije, itd.).

Knjiga je leta 2023 prejela nagrado Britanskega kriminološkega združenja za knjižni prvenec (British Society of Criminology (BSC) 2023 Book Prize).Več informacij o knjigi najdete na povezavi. 



Področja raziskovanja

mladoletniška kriminaliteta, kriminaliteta in družina, mladoletniško pravosodje, diskriminacija glede na osebne okoliščine (družbeni razred, spol in spolna vloga, nacionalnost in etnična pripadnost, invalidnosti, itd.), Bourdieu in kritična sociologija, primerjalna kriminologija, kriminalitetna politika, alternativni odzivi na mladoletniško kriminaliteto


Poljanski nasip 2

1000 Ljubljana



Slovenija – Anglija: Inovacije na področju mladinskega kazenskega pravosodja in pravičnosti (Slovenia – England: Collaborative Innovations in Youth Justice (SE-CIYJ)) (ARIS, grant nb. BI-VB/23-25-011) – vodja/PI

– Improving the juvenile justice system and strengthening the education and training of penitentiary staff in Slovenia (EU and CoE, grant nb. 2966; 21SI10) – sodelujoča raziskovalka/researcher


– Negotiating Youth Deviance and Parenting: Exploring the Effects of Social Class on Professional Interactions (ESRC, grant nb. ES/J500112/1) – vodja/PI

– Risk and Needs: Examining assessment and planning frameworks in youth justice interventions (ESRC, grant nb. ES/V011766/1) – vodja/PI

– Slovenska ureditev in prakse pogojnega odpusta – sodelujoča raziskovalka/researcher

Arnež, J. (2023) Book Review – Youth Justice and Penality in Comparative Context by Barry Goldson, Chris Cunneen, Sophie Russell, David Brown, Eileen Baldry, Melanie Schwartz, and Damon Briggs. Punishment & Society, 25(3), 816-819.


Arnež, J. (2023) Improving the Juvenile Justice System in Slovenia: Report for Lot 2 (Analysis of the case law related to juvenile justice focusing on young offenders). Strasbourg: Council of Europe and European Union.


Arnež, J., Condry, R., Tawell, A., and Halsey, M. (2022) Book launch of ‘Negotiating Class in Youth Justice: Professional Practice and Interactions’. Zoom webinar/University of Oxford, Faculty of Law, 13 December 2022. 


Arnez, J. (2022) Absence from School and Absence of Data: The Punitiveness of Ignoring School Absenteeism in ‘Penal Exceptionalism’. Excluded Lives blog, published online on 2 November 2022.


Arnež, J. (2022) Negotiating Class in Youth Justice: Professional practice and interactions. London, New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978- 0- 367- 72173- 2, DOI: 10.4324/ 9781003157373.


Arnež, J. in Condry, R. (2021) Criminological Perspectives on School Exclusion and Youth Offending. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 26(1), 87-100.


Arnež, J. (2021) Book review – Mark Halsey in Melissa de Vel-Palumbo, Generations through Prison. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 21(5), 727-729.


Arnež, J. (2019) Institutional Responses to Youth Deviance and Parenting: Exploring Professional Perceptions on the Role of Social Class at the Beginnings of Offending Pathways and Desistance from Crime. V: Albrecht, H.J., Walsh, M. in Weinhausen-Knezevic, E. (ur.) Desistance Processes among Young Offenders Following Judicial Interventions. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 125-140.


Arnež, J. (2016) The Potential Use of Legitimate Force for the Preservation of Order: Defining the Inherent Role of Public Police through Policing Functions that Cannot Be Carried Out by Private Police. Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 76, 23-39.


Arnež, J. (2016) Examining Risk as a Political Construct: The Impact of Changing Views of the Prevailing Threats to Public Safety on the Definition of Risk. V: Mesko, G. in Lobnikar, B. (ur.) Criminal Justice and Security in Central and Eastern Europe: Safety, Security and Social Control in Local Communities. Ljubljana: Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, 221-228.


Arnež, J. (2010) Zasluge in zablode feministične kriminologije. Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo, 61(1),



Arnež, J. (2009) Tretmanska obravnava storilcev spolnih kaznivih dejanj. Pravna praksa, 28(14), II-VIII.

Arnež, J. Absence of responses to school absence: The links between school absenteeism, institutional neglect, and delinquency [Florence, Italy, 07/09/2023] Paper at the annual conference of the European Society of Criminology. https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/esc/esc23/index.php?program_focus=view_paper&selected_paper_id=2081810&cmd=online_program_direct_link&sub_action=online_program


Arnež, J. School exclusion and delinquency in England, Scotland, and Slovenia: Transferring policies or comparing the incomparable? [Florence, Italy, 07/09/2023] Roundtable chair and discussant at the annual conference of the European Society of Criminology. https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/esc/esc23/index.php?program_focus=view_session&selected_session_id=2081826&cmd=online_program_direct_link&sub_action=online_program


Arnež, J. Negotiating class in youth justice: Professional practice and interactions [Florence, Italy, 08/09/2023] Author in the Author meets critics session at the annual conference of the European Society of Criminology. https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/esc/esc23/index.php?program_focus=view_session&selected_session_id=2081812&cmd=online_program_direct_link&sub_action=online_program


Arnež, J. Bourdieu and Beyond: Multidimensional habitus, shared moral field, and a negotiated understanding of class [Florence, Italy, 09/09/2023] Roundtable discussant at the annual conference of the European Society of Criminology. https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/esc/esc23/index.php?cmd=Online+Program+View+Session&selected_session_id=2085444&PHPSESSID=aafg2fkqur2lc1io4366fvuj89


Arnež, J. and Plesničar, M. Exceptionally complicated: Parole in Slovenian penal exceptionalism [Onati, Spain, 02/06/2023] Paper at the conference The future of parole: Ideas, Institutions and Practices. https://www.iisj.net/sites/default/files/230526_final_programme.pdf 


Arnež, J. and Condry, R. The tentacles of school exclusion and youth justice: A contextual understanding of young people in conflict with the law [Malaga, Spain, 22/11/2022] Paper at the annual conference of the European Society of Criminology. https://eurocrim.secure-platform.com/spain2022/solicitations/8/sessiongallery/schedule


Arnež, J. and Plesničar, M. The legal framework and practices of conditional release in Slovenia: Parole, parole boards, and institutional dynamics [Oxford, United Kingdom, 14/11/2022] Paper at the Howard League for Penal Reform conference ‘Crime, justice and the human condition: Beyond the cris(es) – reframing and reimagining justice’. https://howardleague.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Howard-League-conference-parallel-sessions-and-posters-1.pdf


Arnež, J. Examining the Views of Practitioners on Risk Assessment in Youth Justice in England and Wales [Chicago, United States of America, 19/11/2021] Paper and chair at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology as part of the ‘Data, Risk Assessment and Juvenile Justice’ panel.



Arnež, J. Negotiating youth offending and parenting difficulties in structurally unequal societies: Neutralising the effects of social class in youth justice interventions [London, United Kingdom (online), 07/07/2021] Paper at the annual conference of the British Society of Criminology as part of the ‘Rethinking youth offending: The transfer of

ideas between national and institutional contexts’ panel.



Arnež, J. Negotiating institutional responses to youth offending and parenting difficulties: Exploring the effects of social class in professional interactions [Chicago, United States of America (online), 27/05/2021] Paper at the annual meeting of the Law and Society Association.



Arnež J. Negotiating ‘trouble’ in professional interactions: the lived experiences of social class in institutional responses to youth deviance and parenting [Cardiff, United Kingdom, 13/09/2017 – 16/09/2017] Paper at the annual conference of the European Society of Criminology. https://www.esc-eurocrim.org/images/esc/files/Cardiff/FINAL- BOOKLET.PDF 


Arnež, J. Exploring the lived experience of social class through institutional responses to youth deviance and parenting styles [New Orleans, United States of America, 16/11/2016 – 19/11/2016] Paper at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology.



Arnež, J. Examining risk as a political construct: The impact of changing views of the prevailing threats to public safety on the definition of risk [Ljubljana, Slovenia, 26/09/2016 – 27/09/2016] Paper at the ‘Criminal justice and security in Central and Eastern Europe: Safety, security, and social control in local communities’ conference. https://www.fvv.um.si/conf2016/files/CJS-Book-of-abstracts-2016.pdf


Arnež, J. Young people ‘at risk’ of offending and their parents: Institutional discourses on the intersections between youth deviance, parenting and social class [Oxford, United Kingdom, 15/03/2016] Paper at the ‘Crime and mental health: vulnerability and resilience in the face of trauma’ conference, Green Templeton College.


Arnež, J. Institutional responses to youth deviance and parenting styles: exploring the lived experience of social class in criminological theory and practice [Porto, Portugal, 02/09/2015 – 05/09/2015] Paper at the annual conference of the European Society of Criminology.



Arnež, J. and Blakey, R. Young people ‘at risk’ of offending: Exploring their pathways to and through institutional responses [Oxford, United Kingdom, 06/05/2015]

Paper at the Green Templeton College graduate conference in criminology and criminal justice.


Arnež, J. Sexual offenders: Is treatment really targeting the causes of their crimes?

[Ljubljana, Slovenia, 09/09/2009 – 12/09/2009] Paper at the annual conference of the European Society of Criminology. https://www.esc-eurocrim.org/images/esc/files/Ljubljana_Book of Abstracts.pdf


Arnež, J. Women also slap, mistreat and degrade: A feminist view beyond comprehension or a step towards real gender equality? [Ljubljana, Slovenia, 09/09/2009 – 12/09/2009] Paper and chair at the annual conference of the European Society of Criminology as part of the ‘Gender Issues’ panel. https://www.esc-eurocrim.org/images/esc/files/Ljubljana_Book of Abstracts.pdf


Arnež, J. Youth delinquency and parenting then and now: Examining the perceptions of social class in UK’s youth justice practice [New York, United States of America (online), 21/04/2021] Invited talk at the Seminar in International Criminal Justice, John Jay College.


Arnež, J. Risk, Needs, and Discrimination: Examining the Fairness of Assessment and Planning Frameworks for Youth Justice Interventions [Oxford, United Kingdom (online), 19/11/2020] Invited talk at the Informal Seminar, Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford.


Arnež, J. Institutional responses to youth deviance and parenting styles: Exploring the lived experience of social class in criminological theory and practice [Oxford, United Kingdom, 26/04/2017] Lecture delivered at the 2nd year DPhil student presentation series at Green Templeton College.


Arnež, J. Responding to juvenile delinquency and parenting: Exploring professional perceptions on the role of social class in the beginnings of offending pathways and desistance from crime [Irvine, California, United States of America, 09/11/2016] Invited talk at the Law and Society Seminar series (School of Social Ecology), University of California, Irvine, Department of Criminology.

Gostujoče predavanje Jasmine Arnež na Univerzi v Edinburghu

Gostujoče predavanje Jasmine Arnež na Univerzi v Edinburghu

Naša raziskovalka dr. Jasmina Arnež je imela v sredo, 28. 2. 2024 v sklopu The Crime, Justice & Society Seminar Series gostujoče predavanje na Univerzi v Edinburghu na Škotskem. V predavanju se je dotaknila skritih poti kaznovanja in družbene škode za nekatere...

Mojca Plesničar in Jasmina Arnež na mednarodnem seminarju The Future of Parole: Ideas, Institutions and Practice

Mojca Plesničar in Jasmina Arnež na mednarodnem seminarju The Future of Parole: Ideas, Institutions and Practice

Naši raziskovalki Mojca Plesničar in Jasmina Arnež sta se udeležili mednarodnega seminarja o pogojnem odpustu z naslovom The Future of Parole: Ideas, Institutions and Practice, ki poteka na Onati International Institute for the Sociology of Law v Baskiji. Seminar...

Predstavitev knjige ‘Negotiating Youth Justice and Class: Professional Practice and Interactions’ avtorice Jasmine Arnež

Predstavitev knjige ‘Negotiating Youth Justice and Class: Professional Practice and Interactions’ avtorice Jasmine Arnež

Naša raziskovalka Jasmina Arnež bo 13. decembra med 12.30 in 14.00 CET na spletnem dogodku predstavila svojo knjigo 'Negotiating Youth Justice and Class: Professional Practice and Interactions', ki je izšla pri založbi Routledge. O knjigi se bo pogovarjala s...


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