Inštitut za kriminologijo pri Pravni fakulteti mesečno organizira t. i. Torkova srečanja, na katerih člani inštituta ali gostujoči strokovnjaki predstavljajo svoje nove projekte, na novo izdane publikacije, razpravljajo o izbranih aktualnih temah, izmenjajo poglede ali predstavljajo druga vprašanja, ki se jim zdijo pomembna za širšo strokovno javnost.

Dogodki v organizaciji Inštituta za kriminologijo se občasno snemajo.

On Violence: Civilization and its Blisscontents

Das Ding, Das Unbehagen & the Philadelphia Lacan Group, May 1-3, 2015, New York Keynote lecture: Renata Salecl Violence today seems not to address only our physical bodies and sense of safety: Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, ISIS, but also our positions as...

The Laws of Fashion: Between Transgression and Compliance

Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, New York, Sunday, April 26 What does it mean when a prime minister refuses to wear a tie at high level political meetings, when the president”™s wife does not cover her head while visiting a Muslim country, when a group of women...


Columbia University, Center for Contemporary Critical Thought, Spring 2015 Seminar: “Secrets”

From Srebrenica to St. Louis: War Trauma 20 Years Later

Stanford University, 14 May 2015  Keynote lecture: Renata Salecl What does 20 years mean when we are dealing with traumas of war? How do people symbolize the war, what kind of imaginary do they create when they try to make sense of what happened to them and their...