Centre for investigative reporting poroča o porastu policijske rabe čitalnikov registrskih tablic. Ponovno je v metode "pre-crime policinga" vpleteno notorično podjetje Palantir, ki je oskrbelo NSA s programom Prizma:
A year ago, the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center ”“ one of dozens of law enforcement intelligence-sharing centers set up after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 ”“ signed a $340,000 agreement with the Silicon Valley firm Palantir to construct a database of license-plate records flowing in from police using the devices across 14 counties, documents and interviews show.
Več v rubriki:
– Raziskovalni projekti: Tehnično okrepljeno nadzorovanje in boj zoper kriminaliteto
– Raziskovalci: Aleš Završnik