v okviru Torkovih srečanj bo v sredo 11. decembra 2019 ob 11:00 v prostorih knjižnice inštituta naš gost Szabó István Márk, ki na Inštitutu za kriminologijo opravlja prakso v okviru programa Erasmus.
Naslov predavanja:
Penal populism and its effect on marginalized social groups
Problems with criminalization of the homeless
In October 2018 the Hungarian parliament voted for a change of police in case of the homeless. This modification is not the first one making their life more difficult but it is enforcing the criminalization of them in the legal system. In this thesis I put those efforts in focus that effect marginalized social groups especially homeless people. The theoretical frame of this paper contains the penal populist approach and the theories closest to it. My goal was to review the changes and events that are in favour of exclusive criminalpolitics and compare these to the international trend (USA, East-Central Europe). In my opinion we can rate a country’s criminalpolitics on an exclusive – inclusive scale depending on how they are treating deviant or said so groups. My main interest contained the criminalization of the homeless, the legal changes which made that possible and the conflicts of a difunctional social system. Besides this I tried to illustrate different attitudes towards the homeless with a few examples.
Szabó István Márk is currently doing an Erasmus internship at the Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana where he participating in a research entitled Psychological mechanisms in criminal justice: Deconstructing objectivity. He acquired his master degree as a criminologist at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary in the summer of 2019. His thesis was about penal populism in Hungary and its effect on marginalized social groups, especially the homeless. Previously, he was involved in research on victim blaming and reporting on sexual violence. He had the opportunity to establish a media-based research on sexual violence and its judgement through one particular Hungarian case. In the summer of 2017, he was doing an internship at the Hungarian National Institute of Criminology where he was participating in a survey-based research related to corruption crime and the problems of its classification and another one related to community service as a punishment.