V okviru Torkovih srečanj bo v četrtek, 30. 9. 2021 ob 11. uri v prostorih knjižnice Inštituta za kriminologijo, gost našega srečanja Jakub Drapal z Univerze v Pragi s predavanjem: Suspended sentences in post-socialist Europe: Need for re-imagination and reform? Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku.
Suspended sentences are the most commonly used sanctions in post-socialist countries. Although they originally aimed to replace very short prison sentences in systems in which intermediate sanctions were non-existent, they remain extremely popular even today, when a wide array of intermediate sanctions exists and very short prison sentences are virtually non-existent. Based on an analysis of sentence imposition 1919-1931 and 1955-2018 in Czechia, their changing nature is documented and discussed. The lack of a theoretical framework for the new nature of suspended prison sentence is emphasized by demonstrating that the conditions to suspend prison sentences were gradually loosened without sufficient justification. The easiness of suspending a prison sentence lead to its wide over-use especially in times of unrest, e.g. following the Velvet revolution. The need to re-think the use of suspended prison sentences and of principles governing their sentencing especially in post-socialist countries is emphasized.
Jakub Drapal je zaposlen na Univerzi v Pragi in Češki Akademiji znanosti in umetnosti. Raziskovalno se osredotoča predvsem na kaznovalne politike v post-socialističnih sistemih in njihove specifike. 
Prosimo vas, da upoštevate vse ukrepe za preprečevanje okužb z Covid-19. Vstop v prostore Inštituta za kriminologijo je dovoljen le osebam, ki izpolnjujejo PCT pogoje in je mogoč le preko glavnega vhoda Pravne fakultete ter Knjižnice Pravne fakultete.
Vljudno vabljeni.